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the same can be said in every season

As I lay here, unable to fall asleep, I find it unique that the idea of reading general conference talks brings me comfort as I try to rest my dizzy, sleepy, sad thoughts. I think something can be said for someone who is totally, real, and raw. (Especially via blogs, instagram, or other social media.) I am continually haunted by my own imperfections and my lack of perfectly curled, ombré hair.
Let me be real with you readers. Life isn’t always as sweet, like a “cake walk”, or even like a Popsicle on a hot day. I think a lot of times we compare our behind the scenes “tragedies” to others “up-close and personal perfection.” It’s all about perception, and let’s be real, our lives aren’t always sunshine and glitter. Please, remind yourself that you are human once in awhile. Shed a few tears if necessary, then continue to make your life everything you’ve always wanted. We can continue to make a point of trying to always have that glitter-y life perspective, even as our behind the scenes are seemingly bursting at the seams. See what I did there?

Anyway, the best piece of advice I have been given (which was especially important in my teenage years) is that everything will be better in the morning. And if you can’t fall asleep, I urge you to listen to Coldplay and a little John Mayer as you fall asleep. May your tomorrows be filled with glitter and donuts.



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Hi, I'm Cortney. A twenty-something red head with a passion for fashion and deals. I'm married to a 6'3, tall, dark and handsome who likes to take me to get corn dogs (another one of my passions). Welcome to my blog. I can't wait to get to know you.

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